Go behind the Manor and inspect the area around the statue, the lock on the gate, and the pipe on the side of the shed. Turn left outside the bookshop and head through the open gates at the bottom of the hill to enter Stenwick's Manor. In your casebook, pin Mr Barnes loves Mrs Flemming then talk to Barnes. Enter the mind palace and select Why is Barnes acting so strangely? and pin Dead flowers on display, Cactus in a cracked pot, and Mrs Flemming on Barnes. From your evidence choose Cactus in a cracked pot, Dead flowers on display, and Character Portrait: Mr Barnes. Observe the shopkeeper and choose Ready to move on. Exit the Bookshop and inspect the plants in front of the Flowershop. Inspect the books on the counter, the window sill, and the ladder in the corner. Note that which portrait you choose when observing a character throughout the game doesn't particularly matter so you can choose whatever you like for a different response. Observe Barnes and choose the Workaholic portrait. Turn left at Lucky's Bar and enter Barne's Bookshop. Talk to the newsboy then enter the mind palace and pin Book from Barnes and Newsboy's testimony. Exit the building and inspect the bin to the right of the door.

Look at the table and inspect all objects. │ Remember to support your favourite streamers and content creators for all the entertainment that they provide. Sherlock Holmes The Awakened can be tricky so I've written this guide to help you determine what to do next whenever you get stuck. Updated by Mary Billington for Guides on Ap🔎